I said it repeatedly: I will only ever photograph in black and white.
I said it emphatically: I will only ever photograph on film.
And then the day arrived that I came up with the concept for this series. And my long-held beliefs were obliterated by so much African dust.
So why the abrupt about-face?
I immediately imagined the photographs at night, with the unnatural, often garish and sickly colors of the modern human world. That was it. I would have to work in color for the first time. No choice in the matter. Furthermore, if I was going to photograph in color, then I wanted to embrace it, to not be frightened of it, to use the colors as expressively as possible.
As for switching from film to digital, given what was going to be involved technically, there was no choice in the matter.
Not only had I never photographed in color before, I had also never shot digital, never used lights or flashes, or even photographed at night. I was simultaneously excited and scared. Which, I feel, is a good place to be when launching into any new project. Get out of your comfort zone and dive in head first.